In order to avoid duplicate contacts and organizations, new contacts must be cleaned before they can be imported into Salesforce. In order to import contacts, they all must:

  • Have a last name

  • Have a valid email address

  • Have a valid organization name. This means matching the exact name as listed in Salesforce. For example, “Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)” not “IPA”. If an organization does not already exist in Salesforce, you should add it.

To help with this process, we’ve created a Google Sheet that contains a number of data quality checks that catch many common issues. To get started, 

  1. Open this sheet

  2. Right click the “Import Template” tab and click duplicate

  3. Give the new tab a unique name including your office and date, for example LAC-2019-12-31.

  4. Add your data to columns A through G. Only the Last Name, Email and Organization field are required; all others are optional

  5. Review the “Ready To Import” column to see if there are any issues. If a contact is marked as “No,” review and fix the contact’s details.

Once you’ve added your contacts and they are all marked as being “Ready To Import”, email with the sheet name you’d like to import and we’ll get them processed. If we run into any issues, we might asks you to do further cleanup.

Note: To have an access to the template please reach