Windows users: From the Start menu, search for Code42 and launch it from the list of search results.
Mac users: Open a Finder window and go to Applications. Find Code42 and launch it by double-clicking the application.
- If this is your first time using Code42 for an MIT computer, choose to Sign up for an account, enter your Kerberos Username and Kerberos Password in the boxes, and click Sign Up.
- Enter the information for your account
- If you have used Code42 on other MIT computers, choose Existing Account, and enter your Kerberos Username click Continue then enter your Kerberos Password and click Continue
- You will have to choose whether the computer is set up as a new device or to replace any existing device. The Code42 wizard will walk you through each scenario.
Note: If you are asked for a server address or certificate, see CrashPlan is asking me for a server address and registration key. Contact IT if this does not help as you may need to reinstall the application.
- You will now be at the CrashPlan Desktop main screen and your computer should begin to backup.