Everyone who is on an office staff listserv should automatically be given access to the WorldWide Resources drive.  If you cannot access it, please try the following:

1. Check to make sure you are logging in with your @PAL email 

2. Ask your HR team to check your "Appointments Section" in Salesforce to make sure that you are on a valid Office Staff mailing list.  

     Instructions for HR staff to check:  

     (A) Under Appointment Details, at least one of the Vertical Appts needs to be completed.  

     (B) Check the Staff Email Group: In order for this to be a valid group it cannot say: "Invalid level" or "missing" in the listserv.  If you see these, please follow the instructions on the email that the HR team receives each month called Monthly HR Staff Review List.  *Please note that this listserv may not be incorrect for this appointment. For example, we use this for consultants who we need to add to our contacts but we do not want them to have access to our drives.  If you are unsure, please write back on this ticket requesting assistance. 

An example of a valid listserv name is: LAC_Policy_Associates@povertyactionlab.org.